Mount Breitenbach

Album image for Mount Breitenbach

Date: 2008-08-04

Photos: 115 photos on 3 pages

Mount Breitenbach is the 5th tallest mountain in Idaho at an elevation of 12,140 feet. This was one of the two mountains we climbed on a multiple day trip up into the Upper Pahsimeroi River. From our camp near the end of the road East Fork to the Pahsimeroi, Jason and I took an non standard route around Mount Breitenbach's impressive north face to its south side, then up a gully on its south side.

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Image 97 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 98 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 99 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 100 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 101 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 102 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 103 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 104 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 105 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 106 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 107 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 108 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 109 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 110 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 111 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 112 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 113 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 114 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
Image 115 in Mount Breitenbach photo album.
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