Mount Heinen

Album image for Mount Heinen

Date: 2017-10-08

Photos: 60 photos on 2 pages

Mount Heinen is a prominent near Boise with an elevation of 6,336 feet. This mountain is part of the Boise Grand Slam. The climb starts from Arrow Rock Reservoir and climbs steeply up to the main ridge. Then follows this ridge to the summit.

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Image 49 in Mount Heinen photo album.
Image 50 in Mount Heinen photo album.
Image 51 in Mount Heinen photo album.
Image 52 in Mount Heinen photo album.
Image 53 in Mount Heinen photo album.
Image 54 in Mount Heinen photo album.
Image 55 in Mount Heinen photo album.
Image 56 in Mount Heinen photo album.
Image 57 in Mount Heinen photo album.
Image 58 in Mount Heinen photo album.
Image 59 in Mount Heinen photo album.
Image 60 in Mount Heinen photo album.
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