Pioneer Cabin

Album image for Pioneer Cabin

Date: 2019-08-16

Photos: 71 photos on 2 pages

Pioneer Cabin is a mountain cabin built on a ridge overlooking the main crest of the Pioneer Mountains. This cabin was originally built to be a destination cabin in the design of cabins in the European Swiss Alps. Although the cabin never became a destination retreat, it is open to the public. Even though there are some bunk beds in the cabin and a few supplies, it is rarely used as a camping destination and mostly used as a lunch spot for day hikers, such as ourselves. Our hike took the main trail to the cabin, and on the way down I took a slight detour to climb the small unnamed peak 9311.

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Image 49 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 50 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 51 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 52 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 53 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 54 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 55 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 56 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 57 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 58 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 59 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 60 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 61 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 62 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 63 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 64 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 65 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 66 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 67 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 68 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 69 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 70 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
Image 71 in Pioneer Cabin photo album.
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